Survey: Top environmental law cases

I'm reposting (with permission) an email I recently got from Jim Salzman (the picture is my own addition):
We are writing to invite you to participate in a survey we trust you will find interesting and fun. In 1999 and 2009, JB Ruhl (Vanderbilt Law School) and I surveyed environmental law practitioners and academics about which Supreme Court cases they thought were the most important to our field. The 1999 results were published in ABA’s Natural Resources & Environment, and the 2009 results were published in ELI’s The Environmental Forum. A decade later, we have prepared the 2019 survey and are eager to see how the data have changed. We intend to publish the results this Winter.
Please click here for the link to the survey. We are posting this information on multiple environmental law list serves and apologize for cross-listings. Please take the survey only once.
We hope you will take the two minutes needed to complete the survey to help give us as much data as possible.  Thanks for your assistance with this! 


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